Freedom of thought.
Freedom to choose our leaders.
Freedom to serve others.
As a woman,
to wear jeans,
to laugh out loud,
to keep my hair short,
to choose my religion,
to pursue an education,
to work outside my home.
Responsibility to uphold the rule of law.
Responsibility to defend the rights of man as laid out in the Declaration of Independence.
Responsibility to be concerned for the common good.
Responsibility to vote.
Responsibility to think.
Responsibility to use common sense.
Courage to stand up for justice.
Courage to consider fairness.
Courage to do what is right.
Courage to give your life so that others may enjoy freedom.
Courage to serve when some, or even many, protest.
Courage to give all.
I will never again take my freedom for granted.
Thank you to all who have valiantly served and defended Democracy.
God bless you.
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